The European Professionals Business Network (EPBN) is excited to announce its upcoming webinar, “Focus on Trans employees in Europe.” Taking place on May 30th, 2023 from 6-7 PM, this virtual event aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by trans employees in the workplace.
If you wish to participate, please register here.
Francesca Sanders, The Senior Policy Officer with TGEU
Viktor Heumann, Transparent (Czech Republic)
Arianna Forzani, IBM (Italy)
Thomas* Ramseier-Schmitz, Transgender Network Switzerland
As numbers show, situation of Trans employees is several times worse than the situation of Lesbian, Gay, or Bi employees that is why EPBN is focusing on this topic. First we will hear from expert from Transgender Europe, who will present situation of Trans employees in Europe in facts and numbers, including solutions that we all should undertake to make situation better and then we will hear personal stories and perspective of Trans employees from three different European countries.
According to the EU Fundamental Rights Agency study “Being Trans in the EU”:
– over one in three trans respondents felt discriminated against because of being trans when looking for a job (37 %), and a quarter (27 %) reported discrimination at work. This is more than twice the percentage of lesbian, gay and bisexual respondents who have felt discriminated against in employment. A Majority of those cases where not reported
– On average, almost a quarter of respondents report that they are often or always open about their trans background, and half of all trans respondents are never or rarely open
– 46 % indicate that they often or always hide or disguise their trans background at work.
Trans people in Europe face discrimination, violence and harassment, all to a degree more intense than those suffered by other lesbian, gay or bisexual survey respondents.
– one in six (15 %) of trans respondents had experienced negative comments or conduct at work