Brussels – On Wednesday, November 29, European Pride Business Network (EPBN) together with the European LGBTIQ Chamber of Commerce (EGLCC) and its regional chambers and national members (among which EDGE, L’Autre Cercle, BGLBC, East meets West, Pride Business Forum and Network) took a significant step in advancing workplace equality and LGBTIQ inclusion in business. As civil society organizations dedicated to advocating for and fostering full workplace equality and an inclusive and diverse supply chain, the EGLCC and EPBN conducted strategic meetings at the European Parliament and European Commission meeting among others:
- Vera Jourova, Vice President European Commission and Commissioner for Rule of Law;
- Marc Angel (MEP), Vice President European Parliament and Co-chair EP LGBTI Intergroup together with Kim Van Sparrentak, Dutch MEP;
- Irene Tinagli (MPE), Chair of the Economic Affairs Committee European Parliament;
- Irène Tolleret, French MEP;
- Stéphane Bijoux, French MEP;
- Francesco Schmidt, Unit 3 GD Employment.
The primary objective of these meetings was to call for the swift advancement of effective inclusion of LGBTIQ individuals in the business environment. Despite progress, discrimination against LGBTIQ individuals persists. Both organizations urge the promotion of European Union-wide initiatives that engage employers, employees, and businesses in fostering inclusive cultures and policies, such as Supplier Diversity & Inclusion, role modeling, and leadership training.